Thursday, March 11, 2010

is riot are necessary??

as is reported by Jeremiah :
told in the Book of Jeremiah lengthy crushing Jerusalem by Nebukadnesar about 2. Jeremiah reminded the children of Israel to return to Allah, but the Children of Israel find security in their own ways even violate the law. The emergence of extreme hard-hearted among youth and leaders from Israel, they are preparing to revolt Babylon. prophet Jeremiah preached to remind the children of Israel have chosen not to Babylon revolted. diligent enough in return they worship the true God and to build good relations with all men, all of Jerusalem will be removed disasters.

So, whether the riot was necessary to stand for our right? if thought back to the order that was delivered by Jeremiah to his followers to not revolt, but do pray and ask for help to Allah, the Great Knower. what is your opinion?

1 comment:

  1. I don't know much about this part of history, but if the riots were their way of expressing their determination and acted as a way for them to achieve their aim, it'd bring a positive output. From what I understand, prayers alone will not help without actually striving to fulfill what we ask for, right? But then, praying will do when the situation does not favor rioting.
